
Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the ToggleSwitch API if you need more information.

For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check ToggleSwitch.fs

A ToggleSwitch is a switch that toggles between on (checked) and off (unchecked) states. This control functions similarly to a CheckBox but displays the content with an on/off slider instead.


Create a ToggleSwitch

ToggleSwitch.create [
    ToggleSwitch.content "Title"

Register State Change

ToggleSwitch.create [
    ToggleSwitch.isChecked state.toggleSwitch
    ToggleSwitch.onIsPressedChanged (fun value -> SwitchToggled value |> dispatch)

Handle state changes Separately

ToggleSwitch.create [
    ToggleSwitch.content "Fullscreen"
    ToggleSwitch.onChecked (fun _ -> dispatch Fullscreen)
    ToggleSwitch.onUnchecked (fun _ -> dispatch Windowed)

Tristate Toggling

ToggleSwitch.isChecked can take values that are bool, Nullable<bool>, or bool option. When using tristate options however, you must use either Nullable<bool> or bool option. You can also handle each event state like above using onChecked, onUncheked, and onIndeterminate.

ToggleSwitch.create [
    // can be either true or false
    ToggleSwitch.isThreeState state.indeterminate
    // this value is required to be either a nullable boolean
    // or a boolean option
    ToggleSwitch.isChecked state.checked
    // Returns a Nullable<bool> value
    ToggleSwitch.onIsCheckedChanged (fun nullabelVal -> OnChecked val |> dispatch)

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