Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the RadioButton and RadioButton API if you need more information.
For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check RadioButton.fs
The RadioButton is a control that allows a user to choose a single value between different options
Set Label
RadioButton.create [ RadioButton.content "Opt in to the newsletter"]RadioButton.create [ RadioButton.content "Opt out to the newsletter"]
Set Is Checked
RadioButton.create [ RadioButton.content "Opt in to the newsletter" RadioButton.isChecked state.newsLetterOptIn]
Use A Group of RadioButtons
RadioButton.create [ RadioButton.groupName "newsletter" RadioButton.content "Opt in to the newsletter" RadioButton.isChecked state.newsLetterOptIn// remember to use OnChangeOf to give FuncUI hints about when to dispatch the messages RadioButton.onChecked ((fun _ -> dispatch OptIn), OnChangeOf(state.newsLetterOptIn))]RadioButton.create [ RadioButton.groupName "newsletter" RadioButton.content "Opt out to the newsletter" RadioButton.isChecked (not state.newsLetterOptIn)// remember to use OnChangeOf to give FuncUI hints about when to dispatch the messages RadioButton.onChecked ((fun _ -> dispatch OptOut), OnChangeOf(state.newsLetterOptIn))]