
Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the TabControl and TabControl API if you need more information.

For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check TabControl.fs

The TabControl offers you a way to present content inside your application, each tab contains a different set of controls.

Set Tabs

let homePageContent = 
    DockPanel.create [ 
        DockPanel.children [
            TextBox.create [ TextBox.text "Home" ]
let aboutPageContent = 
    DockPanel.create [ 
        DockPanel.children [
            TextBox.create [ TextBox.text "About" ]

let tabs : IView list = [
    TabItem.create [
        TabItem.header "Home"
        TabItem.content homePageContent
    TabItem.create [
        TabItem.header "About"
        TabItem.content aboutPageContent

TabControl.create [
    TabControl.tabStripPlacement Dock.Left // Change this property to tell the app where to show the tab bar
    TabControl.viewItems tabs

Set HostControl as content

You can also include individual Elmish Controls as the content of your tabs by using the ViewBuilder. Visit the example to see it in action

// counter.fs
module Counter =
    type State = (* state definition *)
    type Msg = (* message definition *)
    let init = (* init definition *)
    let update state msg = (* update definition *)
    let view state dispatch = (* view definition *)

    // encapsule the Elmish architecture in this Host Control
    type Host() as this =
        inherit HostControl()
            Elmish.Program.mkSimple (fun () -> init) update view
            |> Program.withHost this

// Program.fs
let aboutPageContent = 
    DockPanel.create [ 
        DockPanel.children [
            TextBox.create [ TextBox.text "About" ]
let tabs : IView list = [
    TabItem.create [
        TabItem.header "Counter"
        // use the ViewBuilder to be able to use the Counter module in a stand alone
        TabItem.content (ViewBuilder.Create<Counter.Host>([]))
    TabItem.create [
        TabItem.header "About"
        TabItem.content aboutPageContent

TabControl.create [
    TabControl.viewItems tabs

In the example above the Counter module defines a HostControl to allow that module to work by itself. This means you don't need to nest every view/control inside the main Elmish module of your app, this can help you reduce boilerplate and complexity in the main module of your application

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