
Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the DockPanel and DockPanel API if you need more information.

For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check DockPanel.fs

The DockPanel is a layout construct that allows docking its children to the different sides of it.


Basic Usage

DockPanel.create [
  DockPanel.children [
    // Some child control
    [..].dock Dock.Top // you can use Left, Right, Top and Bottom

You can use multiple dockings inside of one panel. It will dock in order of the children list (you can see that in the example).


DockPanel.create [
  DockPanel.children [
    Border.create [
      Border.background "blue"
      Border.dock Dock.Left
      Border.padding 20.
    Border.create [
      Border.background "green"
      Border.dock Dock.Bottom
      Border.padding 20.
    Border.create [
      Border.background "red"
      Border.dock Dock.Right
      Border.padding 20.
    Border.create [
      Border.background "orange"
      Border.dock Dock.Top
      Border.padding 20.
    Border.create [
      Border.background "purple"
      Border.dock Dock.Left
      Border.padding 20.
    Border.create [
      Border.background "yellow"

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