
Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the CheckBox and CheckBox API if you need more information.

For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check CheckBox.fs

The checkbox is a control that allows a user to represent boolean values or the absense of a value


Set Label

CheckBox.create [
  CheckBox.content "I Accept the terms and conditions."

Set Is Checked

CheckBox.create [
  // can be either true or false
  CheckBox.isChecked state.booleanValue

Set Indeterminate

CheckBox.create [
  // can be either true or false
  CheckBox.isThreeState state.indeterminate
  // this value is required to be either a nullable boolean
  // or a boolean option
  CheckBox.isChecked None

To be able to set the indeterminate state, the isThreeState value must be true and the isChecked value must be None or Nullable boolean set to null

Set Dynamic State Checkbox

You can mix and match the three states of a checkbox. In this example if the count value is greater than 0 the box will be checked, if the value is 0 then it will be indeterminate, lastly if the value is less than 0 it will be unchecked

let isChecked =
  if state.count = 0 then
  else if state.count > 0 then
    Some true
    Some false

CheckBox.create [
  CheckBox.content "Dynamic CheckBox"
  // this is not required
  CheckBox.isEnabled false
  CheckBox.isThreeState (state.count = 0)
  CheckBox.isChecked isChecked

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