Common Questions

How do I obtain the reference of a Control?

There are 2 recommended ways of obtaining the reference of an underlying control. \

1. Execute code on control creation

Use the Control.init attribute to run code on control creation.

ListBox.create [
    ListBox.init (fun listBox ->
        listBox.Items <- [ 1 .. 3 ]

2. Obtain a view reference via an outlet

Calls the listBox.Set function when the control is created.

Component(fun ctx ->
    let listBox = ctx.useState<ListBox>(null)
    ctx.useEffect (
        handler = (fun _ ->
            listBox.Current.Items <- [ 1 .. 3 ]    
        triggers = [ EffectTrigger.AfterInit ]
    View.createWithOutlet listBox.Set ListBox.create [ ]

How do I obtain the reference of a Component?

The Component reference can be accessed via ctx.control.

Component(fun ctx ->
    ctx.useEffect (
        handler = (fun _ ->
            ctx.control.Tag <- 0
        triggers = [ EffectTrigger.AfterInit ]
    Button.create []

How to set attributes on Component level?

Component(fun ctx ->
    ctx.attrs [
        Component.background "transparent"
        Component.borderThickness 1
    Button.create []

How do I restrict what a user can input in a TextBox / AutoCompleteBox / InputElement ?

This is possible by intercepting the TextInputEvent and modifying its event args. It's important to attach the handler to the tunnelled event. More details about event routing can be found here. In the example below whatever a user types in a TextBox will end up as uppercase text.

TextBox.create [
    TextBox.init (fun control ->
            (fun sender args ->
                args.Text <- args.Text.ToUpper()

Here another example that prevents users from entering anything but numbers.

TextBox.create [
    TextBox.init (fun control ->
            (fun sender args -> args.Text <- String.filter Char.IsNumber args.Text),

How to render a Control to an Image?

let renderToFile (target : Control, path : string) = 
    let pixelSize = PixelSize(int target.Bounds.Width, int target.Bounds.Height) 
    let size = Size(target.Bounds.Width, target.Bounds.Height) 
    use bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(pixelSize, new Vector(96.0, 96.0)) 

Managing Focus

Component.create ("view", fun ctx ->
    let textBoxA = ctx.useState<TextBox>(null, renderOnChange = false)
    let textBoxB = ctx.useState<TextBox>(null, renderOnChange = false)
    let textBoxAFocus = ctx.useState(false, renderOnChange = true)
    let textBoxBFocus = ctx.useState(false, renderOnChange = true)
    StackPanel.create [
        StackPanel.margin 10
        StackPanel.spacing 10
        StackPanel.children [
            TextBox.create [
                TextBox.init textBoxA.Set
                TextBox.onGotFocus (fun _ -> textBoxAFocus.Set true)
                TextBox.onLostFocus (fun _ -> textBoxAFocus.Set false)
            TextBox.create [
                TextBox.init textBoxB.Set
                TextBox.onGotFocus (fun _ -> textBoxAFocus.Set true)
                TextBox.onLostFocus (fun _ -> textBoxAFocus.Set false)
            StackPanel.create [
                StackPanel.orientation Orientation.Horizontal
                StackPanel.margin 10
                StackPanel.spacing 10
                StackPanel.children [
                    Button.create [
                        Button.content "Focus A"
                        Button.background (if textBoxAFocus.Current then Brushes.Green else Brushes.Red)
                        Button.onClick (fun _ ->
                            let _ = textBoxA.Current.Focus()
                    Button.create [
                        Button.content "Focus B"
                        Button.background (if textBoxBFocus.Current then Brushes.Green else Brushes.Red)
                        Button.onClick (fun _ ->
                            let _ = textBoxB.Current.Focus()

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